June 2009
Hi and welcome along to my OCA Art of Photography Learning Log.
Quick note to orientate visitors: I'm studying the Open College of Arts distance learning Art of Photography 1 module. I have some fair experience of photography as an interest, and I primarily use a Canon EOS 30D with a set of Canon and Sigma lenses, EX flash etc. I use a Fujifilm Finepix F45fd compact as a 'pocket' camera.
I also use a Bronica medium format and have a range of Zenzanon lenses and bits to go with it but that is a new venture for me - still to print my first films!
My biggest problem is seeing the image and initial creativity right from the start. So I trust the OCA course will help me learn how to develop some skill in this.
I'll plunge right in with my experience of the first project and continue as I mean to go on.
PROJECT 1 (Page 49)
I fitted my ‘standard’ Canon EF 28-105mm 1:3.5-4.5 II USM zoom (which is the lens I use for everyday pottering about) and tried out Project 1.
The “standard” focal length appeared to come out at around 65mm rather than 50mm – maybe because it is an EF rather than AF lens. (Judging by the scale on the lens.)
Took three photos – one at standard (@65mm) and one at 28mm and one at 105mm.
Printed out – the standard is actually 63mm (from the exif information) and at comfortable arm’s length it matches the view. My arm’s not long enough to get the telephoto in!
NB – printed out only in rough to save ink and photo paper.
Learning outcome: I had always thought 50mm is ‘as you see it’ or near enough. Therefore learnt that for this lens – it is not. Will need to bear this in mind.